Wrist Support for Arthritis Pain, Injury and Operation
This Wrist Support provides wrist and thumb stabilisation, allowing the fingers to move freely. It is great for Arthritis, Severe Pain and operations
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Elbow Armguard (x2)

Elbow Armguard (x2)

A pair of padded hexagon honey Combe shape air padding.

We believe every goalkeeping should carry a set of these padded elbow pads, because you are never going to know what type of playing surface you will be playing on.

Injuring your elbow has to be one of the most painful injuries you can have as a goalkeeper, and once injured it takes forever to recover because you are always landing on your elbows.

If you are a parent of a goalkeeper, this is something we stress you should have for your goalkeeper child. Even if these items are worn a few times each season, it is worth the protection of your elbow bone.


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